How It Works

The main goal of is to reduce the time [costs] it takes to process a single submittal or RFI and to accurately log/record the associated documentation.


Visit our compare page and see how your current or future project time/cost expenditure would compare to a project managed by EazyCA.


Choose the subscription plan that works best for you. You can pay either yearly or monthly, the yearly usually offer a price discount from 5% to 20% off the total cost depending on the plan you choose. A free trial account option is also available to all users.


Sign-up and create a member account. Add your company information once, the system will pull and insert your company information when ever needed without you having to re-enter this information again.


Add a new project and the project team information once [this is where a lot of time is saved]. EazyCA will use this information throughout the project life-cycle without requiring you to re-enter it over and over again [which is what usually happens in the traditional manual methods].


Use EazyCA to manage your projects which will in turn save you a significant amount of time, cutting up to 80% off your processing time per submittal/RFI and reduce the potential for human error.


Project logs and reports are generated automatically during the processing of submittals/RFIs, saving you a significant amount of time and money.


The way EazyCA works will save you and your company a significant amount of time and money over the life of your projects. This will allow you to free-up your personel to work on other tasks, hence improving your productivity and potential income. You can compare your actual or future costs doing things the traditional way [with-out EazyCA] to your potential costs if you used EazyCA to manage your projects by visiting our compare page start here >>